2. Assessment Finding and Recommendation in brief:
Be very concise and provide # of affected people, information about damages, priority needs, and recommended assistance (Who, When, How should be assisted, By which Organization).
The security situation in Ghazni province started worsening during the month of July 2018 and finally On 10 August, AOGs attacked Ghazni City, the provincial capital of Ghazni Province 150 kilometers south-west of Kabul with an estimated 270,000 residents. Following attacks against key Government offices, critical infrastructure was damaged. Communications networks and the electricity supply got down in Ghazni, resulting in water shortages due to nonfunctional pumps. The reported presence of members of the Taliban in civilian homes and market places has heightened the risk of civilian casualties arising from any military aerial response, while the placement of improvised explosive devices (IEDs) along Highway 1 both north and south of the city has prevented civilians from safely fleeing the violence.
Humanitarian partners identified more than 21,000 displaced people for humanitarian assistance by 25 August in eight neighborhoods of the city. OCHA and DORR in Dykundi reported 400 families in the first notification and 250 families’ displacement in second notification for the remaining displaced families to a District Mairmore and total number of households assessed (door to door visit) were 202 and selected 50 HHs eligible for assistance. ACF flying team in a first assessment identified 230 HHs eligible for assistance and this is the second phase of assessment for the remaining IDP households and started the assessment in district Miramor on 2nd October. Assessment has been very challenging in Mirmor due to road conditions, lack of mobile networks and hosting communities who wanted to be part of assistance. On 8th of October ACF completed the assessment of 50 HHs.
- UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
- To learn more about OCHA's activities, please visit https://www.unocha.org/.