Core Messages:
From the 8 May meeting of the Early Warning Information Working Group attended by FAO, iMMAP, OCHA, Solidarities International, USAID and WFP.
- Below average levels of precipitation have been recorded in the last two dekad of April and the first dekad of May.
Households at high risk of flooding are in the north western region.
Temperature: -
The temperature in the second and third dekads of April were generally above the long‐term average.
Crop Conditions:
Yield deficits of an unknown size and location can be expected for winter and spring wheat, because of lack of precipitation during both cultivation seasons.
A quantitative crop assessment is currently being undertaken by MAIL and a qualitative crop assessment is being undertaken by FEWSNET and WFP.
Market Situation:
A critical increase has been observed for wheat and wheat flour prices in the central highlands, northern and north western parts of the country.
The prices of sheep in the aforementioned areas has also decreased by 20%.
In Faizabad, there has been a significant increase of 38.3% in wheat price comparing the 4th week price to the 3rd week price in April.
Rice price increased by 21% because of the general effect of wheat prices on all grains in the market during the last week of April 2011.