Executive Summary
AKAH,A started using ActivityInfo in 2019 with the aim to replace the former paper-based data collection system. Today, 80% of the data collection handled by the agency is managed via ActivityInfo and the agency cooperates with the MoPH to manage data related to the COVID-19 response in the country, using the platform.
Founded in 2015, Aga Khan Agency for Habitat (AKAH) works to support the creation of safe sustainable habitats in which communities, families and individuals can thrive.
In line with the ethos of the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN), special emphasis is placed on building self-reliance and resilience, expanding opportunity, and improving quality of life for people of all faiths, backgrounds and origins.
Aga Khan Agency for Habitat Afghanistan (AKAH, A) operates in 7 provinces in the country and has already reached more than 730 villages.
As the agency is collecting a large amount of information related to hazard data in a wide geographic range, it becomes crucial to be able to have access to real-time data so as to make timely and informed decisions.
AKAH,A started using ActivityInfo in 2019 with the aim to replace the former paper-based data collection system.
Today, 80% of the data collection handled by the agency is managed via ActivityInfo.
Following the fast developments related to COVID-19, AKAH,A presented ActivityInfo to the Ministry of Public Health of Afghanistan (MoPH) as a solution and the teams jointly worked on streamlining data management related to COVID-19 data in the 34 provinces of the country.
In March 2020, the MoPH and AKAH, A started collaborating and in May 2020 their synergy resulted in the creation of a system that linked 34 provinces of Afghanistan with the Crisis Coordination Center in Kabul.
The system is used to manage data related to the COVID-19 response, in ActivityInfo.
We spoke with Mr. Shodmon Hojibekov, Chief Executive Officer in Aga Khan Agency for Habitat Afghanistan and Mr.Iqbal Sufizada who is leading the Monitoring,
Evaluation, Research, Learning and Innovation department in AKAH,A who explained to us the way ActivityInfo is used within the agency for managing data related to AKAH,A activities as well as how the synergy between the agency and the MoPH led to a complete data collection system for COVID-19 residing in ActivityInfo.