Weapons collection in northern Afghanistan
has stalled due to disagreements between two key factions assisting the
multi-party force monitoring the demobilization programme, according to
the United Nations mission in the country.
The UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan
(UNAMA) reported today that the disarmament programme in Faryab province,
which has collected some 500 light and heavy weapons since 18 January,
has been stalled due to differences between the Jamiat and Jumbesh factions.
According to a spokesman for the Mission, negotiations are ongoing to settle these issues. The disarmament process in the province had been supervised by a delegation of the Mazar Multi-Party Security Commission, a delegation integrated with representatives of both factions.
The spokesman also noted that a national disarmament programme has not yet been started, but relevant Commissions are being formed. The Mission hopes they will be in a position very soon to finalize how demobilization and disarmament will take place.