This report includes surveillance data from 11th to 18th January 2013.
Out of 338 functional Sentinel sites(SS), 337 (99.99%) have sent their reports in Week-03 of 2013;
Out of total 304,257 Consultations (134693Male, 169564 Female) recorded in week-03 of 2013, 115,765 (56414Males, 59351Females) consultations were reported due to DEWS target diseases.
Main causes of consultations this week are Acute Respiratory Infections/ARI (32.6%) and Acute Diarrheal Diseases/ADD (4.8%) from total clients in a continuing trend from the week before.
96 deaths caused due to Pneumonia, Diarrheal diseases and Meningitis/Severely ill children, so that 75 (45 Male, 30 Female) deaths due to pneumonia, 5 (2 Male, 3 Female) deaths due to diarrheal diseases and 16(11 Male, 5 Female) deaths reported due to Meningitis and Severely Ill Children.
In this reporting week, one Measles outbreak was reported from Keshenda district of Balkh province, one Leishmaniasis outbreak in Dara Noor district of Nangarhar province and one food poisoning outbreak reported from Enjil district of Hirat province.