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DEWS Weekly Epidemiological Report WER-01 (7th Yr) January 7, 2013



  • This report includes surveillance data from 29 th December 2012 toth January 2013.

  • Out of 336 functional Sentinel sites(SS), all 33(99 .7 %) have sent their reports in Week - 01 of 2013;

  • Out of t otal 284,431 Consultations recorded in week - 01 of 2013, 105,904 (37.2%) consultations were reported due to DEWS target diseases.

  • Main causes of consultations this week are Acute Respiratory Infections/ARI (31.2%) and Acute Diarrheal Diseases/ADD (5.2%) fro m total clients in a continuing trend from the week before.

  • 70 deaths cau sed due to Pneumonia, Diarrheal diseases and Meningitis/Severely ill children, so that 55 deaths due to pneumonia, 3 deaths due to diarrheal diseases and 13 deaths reported due to Meningitis and Severely Ill Children.

  • In this reporting week, one Measles ou tbreak was reported from K ohistan -district of Kapisa province