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Community Key Messages and Frequently Asked Questions WFP Afghanistan Assistance



WFP Afghanistan has been increasing the assistance we provide in Afghanistan to respond to increased food and nutrition needs since the change in national leadership in August 2021. As activities increase and change, clear, direct and appropriately delivered communication with our people of concern is paramount. WFP’s duty to remain accountable to its affected populations, the communities, the people we serve is a priority for the Afghanistan Country Office.

A tailored and well targeted community-based communication campaign is important to transfer information through a range of channels, foster a clear understanding of this information, receive feedback, deal with the community’s concerns, and secure their buy-in to any new WFP activities or plans. WFP is building a comprehensive strategy for communicating to communities we serve, and to introduce new ways to communicate and establish new channels for feedback. In the meantime, we must ‘up our game’ in terms of the frequency and quality of the communications we already do with our people of concern mainly:

  • Meetings with local leaders
  • Meetings with food assistance committees
  • Meetings with organizations of people living with disabilities
  • Meetings with women’s groups, women’s leaders, and women in the community
  • Mass-awareness in the community, including community radio and signage in communities and at health centers/ schools
  • Pre-distribution address