Government Tables Final Report on Canada’s Priorities and Signature Projects in Kandahar Province, Afghanistan
March 29, 2012 - The Honourable Gordon O’Connor, Minister of State and Chief Government Whip, today tabled, on behalf of the Government of Canada, its 14th and final report on Canada’s engagement in Afghanistan for the period 2008-2011.
Canadians are proud of the role played by the Canadian Armed Forces in securing Afghanistan from the control of the Taliban. The Government of Canada is committed to helping Afghans rebuild through its non-combat training mission and development assistance projects.
This report outlines progress achieved on the six priorities and three signature projects that guided Canada’s efforts in Afghanistan during the period 2008-2011. It also provides a final look at the status of Canada’s benchmarks and targets that were announced by the Government of Canada in 2008. Since the beginning of our engagement, we have reached or surpassed 33 of the 44 targets set. Five more have been partially achieved as of the tabling of this report, although two of them are expected to be fully achieved early this spring. While six targets will not be achieved at all, a sizable amount of work has been completed and the conditions have been put in place to move toward these goals.
Since Canada began working in Afghanistan, nine million children are now in school, GDP has quintupled and, in most provinces of Afghanistan, the security situation has improved. Through this important work, Afghanistan will be better positioned to continue as a nation free from terrorist control.
Between 2011 and 2014, Canada’s engagement is focused on making investments in the future of Afghan children and youth through ongoing development programming in education and health; advancing security, the rule of law and human rights, including through the provision of military and police trainers; promoting regional diplomacy; and helping to deliver humanitarian assistance to those in need. Government departments involved in Afghanistan will continue to monitor progress on their respective priorities for the 2011-2014 period and communicate the results of Canada’s ongoing engagement to Canadians.
This renewed engagement builds on Canada’s significant experience and investments in Afghanistan to date, supports Afghan development priorities and sustains progress in key areas essential to Afghanistan’s future.
For more information on Canada’s engagement in Afghanistan, consult the 14th Quarterly Report.
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