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Building Resilient Communities and Enhancing Returnee and IDP (Re-) Integration through Area-Based Responses


The International Organization for Migration (IOM) implements integrated area-based response (ABR) programming to address the impact of conflict, disasters, climate change, and development gaps on the vulnerable population in Afghanistan. By identifying and responding to the drivers of migration and displacement, IOM aims to facilitate voluntary, safe, and dignified local integration for internally displaced persons (IDPs) and returnees, while enhancing the resilience of the broader population. From humanitarian to basic human needs assistance, IOM focuses on building community resilience to address root causes of migration and displacement.

IOM efforts are centered around evidence-based and participatory planning to deliver support to communities across targeted, highneed areas. IOM targets areas with high returnee and IDP populations based on data from its Displacement Tracking Matrix and CrossBorder Post Arrival Humanitarian Assistance programmes. In target locations, IOM supports a range of interventions, including income-generating activities for IDPs, returnees, and host communities; community infrastructure projects; provision of transitional shelters, latrines and WASH assistance; primary health care and MHPSS; and improving access to basic services in close coordination with other basic human needs actors.

Despite ongoing restrictions—including bans on Afghan women working with NGOs and the UN—IOM remains committed to ensuring women’s meaningful engagement and participation as deemed culturally acceptable throughout its programming. IOM continues to operate its response in a principled manner under the guidance of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) framework for humanitarian operations in Afghanistan and the UNCT Joint Operating Principles.

IOM has implemented a pilot of its revised ABR approach in Chamtalla, Khogyani district, Nangarhar province and has launched programming in Dasht e Kahdestan, Injil district, Herat province. Additional locations are planned in the provinces of Zabul, Jawzjan, Sar-e-pul and Kunduz