Afghanistan is a country in transition. International military forces are preparing for a phased handover to Afghan security forces while training the Afghan army and police to maintain security. International donors, following the Kabul Conference of July 2010, have committed themselves to channel more development funds through the Government of Afghanistan. Civil society and the private sector are now searching for new ways to work with the Government to promote development in Afghanistan.
The Aga Khan Foundation and its sister agencies in the Aga Khan Development Network have made a long-term commitment to the people of Afghanistan and will continue to support efforts of the Government, private sector, and civil society to invest in the nation's reconstruction and development.
2010 was a challenging year, with greater insecurity particularly in the north of Afghanistan, but AKF programmes have expanded nevertheless. This expansion was made possible by the goodwill of local communities and their acceptance of AKF as a partner in development. Over the past eight years, the Foundation has listened to communities' explanations of their priorities and responded as comprehensively as possible. In practice, this response has required AKF to focus its efforts in specific geographic areas across multiple sectors, including agriculture, environmental management, market development, civil society, governance, education and health -- to achieve shared goals such as improved food security and better child health.
In Badakhshan, development goals have also been achieved by promoting regional cooperation with Tajikistan. With growing cross-border ties, Afghan students have been able to study in Tajikistan in the emerging University of Central Asia, Tajik doctors have been able to provide healthcare to Afghan patients, water resources have been transferred across the Amu Darya river to improve their efficient use and new market opportunities have been created for entrepreneurs and producers on both sides of the border.
AKF's commitment to Afghanistan remains long-term and resolute. Over the coming years, development programmes will be intensified to achieve the goals of the Afghanistan National Development Strategy and to improve the quality of life for people in the Foundation's areas of operation. At the heart of the AKF approach is a belief that lasting change can only be achieved by Afghans themselves. AKF is assisting the transfer of the development process to Afghan ownership by supporting the countless local individuals and organisations that are working for a more stable and prosperous future.
Kevin Moorhead,
Chief Executive Officer,
Aga Khan Foundation, Afghanistan.