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AKDN Supports Relief Effort for the Victims of Afghanistan Landslide

Kabul, 5 May 2014 - In the wake of a disastrous mudslide in Afghanistan's Badakhshan Province, the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) was working closely with the government and other organisations in providing urgent relief supplies, including tents for shelter, food items, and emergency medical care.

"Our thoughts and prayers are with the families that have been affected by this terrible event. I would like to assure the affected communities and the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan that the agencies of the AKDN have been mobilized to contribute to the large response that is now required for the continued well-being of survivors," said Nurjehan Mawani, AKDN Diplomatic Representative to Afghanistan.

The Aga Khan Development Network began working in Afghanistan in the late 1990s by providing food aid and a range of livelihood and support services to Afghans who fled their homes as a result of the conflict. The formal engagement of the development agencies of the AKDN began in Afghanistan 2002, when several agencies began working in the areas of social, cultural and economic development.