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Afghanistan Weekly Situation Report 7-13 Jul 2005


The security situation is worsening in the south, southeast and eastern regions of the country.

In Kandahar, a police check post near Pakistani border came under attack, resulting in the death of nine policemen.

On 13 July, a senior cleric was shot dead in Hilmand province.

Continued insurgent activities have created serious concerns among the international community hampering the humanitarian activities in the affected areas.


During the reporting period, WFP assisted over 121,000 beneficiaries.


Increased water levels in the Kunar River have caused significant damages to nearby communities in the eastern Kunar and Nangarhar provinces. WFP participated in an assessment of six affected districts in Nangarhar province, which has reported damages to 20 villages affecting 800 families mainly along the river banks. WFP distributed 87 MT of mixed food as an immediate assistance to the vulnerable families, while UNICEF and DRRD (Department of Rural Rehabilitation and Development) provided the affected communities with non-food items such as blankets, mats, and kitchen utensils.

WFP continues its assistance to flood affected communities in central and northern and northeastern regions. 21 MT of mixed food was dispatched to two districts of Bamyan province to cover the immediate food needs of 240 families severely affected by recent floods, and a total of 11 MT of mixed food has been dispatched to 180 affected families in Shortepa district of Balkh province.Furthermore, 19 MT of mixed food was dispatched to the flood hit communities in Badakhshan.