According to the statement made by MoPH authorities, this support is dedicated to MoPH in a time during which the new H1N1 phenomenon is reducing, but WHO has warned that it will re-increase until the end of January2010. Through a phone contact the health minister of Turkey established with Dr. Fatemie, he indicated that 100000 doses of vaccines against New H1N1 shall be delivered to Kabul next week.
He added: we send down our representative to Kabul very soon so as to pave the way for initiation of the activities of 350- bed new Jamhoryat hospital. Based on the requisition of Dr. Fatemie, Turkey will provide the cost for therapeutic and diagnostic services utilized through Jamhoryat new hospital which is estimated 2 millions on a monthly basis.
In addition, Ms Margaret Chin general director of WHO for East Mediterranean Region ensured Dr Fatemie that Afghanistan MoPH will be assisted by provision of 2800000 doses of vaccines against New H1 N1. They said that the very first cargo comprising 500000 doses is going to be sent to Kabul within five coming days. To be noted that WHO officially will hand over the support to Dr Fatemie.
It was also mentioned that WHO has been very depressed by the piece of news noting that Dr Fatemie was not able to gain the required vote of confidence from Afghan parliament.
According tot the statement made by Dr Ahmad Farid Raaid - MoPH spokesman, the request for New H1N1 vaccines has already been forwarded to Turkey and WHO several times and the Afghan groups who were mostly exposed to the risks were prioritized to take advantage of the above mentioned doses. Prior to this, Turkey supported MoPH with 5000 doses of this vaccine which were injected into health workers, pregnant women as well as some journalists.
Moreover, Dr Raaid explained that MoPH is about to present new H1N1prophylactic services to all health employees assigned to diagnose and probably treat individuals affected by new H1N1, pregnant women, neonates aging 6 -24 months, elders suffering from chronic pulmonary diseases, policemen, ANA troops and other risky groups.
Dr Farid Raaid also added: MoPH Afghanistan under the leadership of Dr Fatemie is enriched with expanded programs to improve the health status of Afghans and to further strengthen this holy aim, Dr Fatemie signed the Afghanistan health sector draft plan for the five coming years.
He also mentioned: Dr.S.M.Amin Fatemie has severely rejected the statements made by a number of MPs and some analysts who had claimed that Afghanistan MoPH doesnt have any work plans. Although, Dr. Fatemie believes this is an unrighteous act. Dr. Fatemie said that the achievements made by the health sector of Afghanistan within the last 4 years unveil the potential evidence that MoPH has been successful in programming and implementing health policies and strategies.
He said that MoPH Afghanistan has designed, prepared and distributed hundreds of regulations, codes, policies, strategies, guidelines and other helpful publications some of which have been triumphantly revised. On the other hand, more than 8 million papers have been printed out for public awareness within the last years passed.
Dr S.M. Amin Fatemie expressed his best gratitude due to the generous contributions of Turkey in rebuilding and stabilizing the Afghan health sector and hoped for further prolongation of such contributions.