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Afghanistan: Shelter Cluster at glance (January – November 2017)


The Cluster was activated in March 2008 with UNHCR as the lead Agency supported by IOM as the cochair. The cluster meets monthly at the national level while meetings at the provincial level are based on needs. It has more than 25 members and operates in almost all provinces.

Goal and Objectives

The primary goal of the ES/NFI Cluster in Afghanistan is to coordinate timely response and provision of life saving assistance in meeting the shelter and basic household needs of the most vulnerable affected population.

For 2017, the Cluster has three objectives that are linked to the overall Strategic Objectives of the Humanitarian Response Plan

• Coordinated and timely ES/NFIs response to families affected by natural disaster and armed conflict (SO1)

• Coordinated and timely ES/NFI response to returnees (SO1)

• Families falling into acute vulnerability due to shock are assisted with ES/NFIs interventions to address humanitarian needs in the medium term (S03)

Key Cluster priorities

• Emergency preparedness

• Emergency response through the provision of emergency shelter and Non Food Items ( NFI) to conflict and natural disaster affected population and to newly arrived vulnerable returnees from neighboring countries

• Improving the living standards of families with shocked induced acute vulnerability through the upgrading of existing shelters, the provision of transitional shelter to meet their immediate and medium term needs

• Support permanent shelter solutions for mainly returnee families with land tenure rights

Key challenges:

• The lack of livelihood opportunities continue to hamper access to adequate shelter while the cost of rent is increasing.

• Urban displacement and informal settlements are increasing with the lack of durable solutions

• Access to land still remains a substantial concern and impediment to shelter assistance