Location: Afghanisatan
Status: Developing
Financial status: Needs $115 011
We are responding to an emergency situation
in Afghanistan through our Tajiki team.
In August and September '99 100 000 people fled from the civil war in Afghanistan. These refugees continue to travel to the north near the Tajikistan border to escape the fighting.
The refugees have problems returning to their villages as they were mined.
CADA, Operation Mercy in Tajikistan, is helping families that are most remote. We are putting much effort into distributing the food without going through a local Afghan commander since they can "charge" up to 50% of the goods. The work is done in connection with ACTED, UNHCR and SNI.
At this point, we are not committing long term personnel into north Afghanistan but we are trying to respond to the emergency of the hour. In the future, we could consider the possibility of long term projects in Afghanistan.
We hope to distribute the food at the end of March and April, if we have the funding.
Budget in US$:
Rice and beans for 22 450 people in three
months: 64 900
Distribution and monitoring: 14 490
Rent of Warehouse and office: 1 500
Generator: 1 000
Salaries for cook and guard: 300
Salaries for project officer, accountant, distribution manager and distribution
workers: 2 700
Equipment (radios etc.): 1 3050
Indirect costs: 8 760
Bank fees (3%): 3 300
Co-operation services: 5 500
Total: 115 500
We have recieved 489 US$. Thank you for your contribution.