DRC conducted a Rapid Protection Assessment (RPA) in Naqileen, Shurandam and Sayed Jan Kalacha of Kandahar on 11 February 2021. Due to ongoing armed conflict between Armed Opposition Groups (AOGs) and Afghan Security Forces, more than 800 IDP households (HH) have displaced from Panjwaye, Arghandab, and Zhari districts of Kandahar province to Naqileen, Shurandam, and Sayed Jan Kalacha residential areas located in PD05, southeast of Kandahar city. The DRC protection team conducted 10 Key Informant interviews (KIIs), 8 Community Discussions (CDs) and 2 Direct Observations (DOs) with women, men, youth and elderly community members. 86 IDPs including 53 men and 33 women participated in KIIs and CDs.