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Afghanistan Protection Cluster - Meeting Minutes, 25 May 2022


Agenda of the meeting:

  • General updates
  • Operational update- AORs & WGs
  • Regional Protection update -- South Eastern Region
  • Findings of the UNHCR 2021 Multi Sectorial Rapid Assessments -- UNHCR
  • Information Management updates -- IMO
  • AOB

1. General updates

  • Afghanistan Humanitarian Fund (AHF) 1st Standard allocation has started with slow implementation. More orientation on the process is being organized

  • SAG membership has been updated whereby inactive members have been replaced. The current membership continues until end of 2022 where the replacement process is scheduled to start by the end of December/2022. TORs of SAG has been revised and further elaborated

  • Sub-clusters ToRs are currently under reviewing process

  • Summer Prioritization process is ongoing and AoRs are encouraged to actively participate. Due to lessons learn in the last process, AoRs have been advised to adhere to the guidance provided with the aim to avoid hiccups during the process

  • The PC has started to draft its strategy

  • The Protection Cluster still does not have a co-coordinator. Following discussions with NRC, it is confirmed that the new co-coordination is to start at the beginning of June/2022.

  • IOM is in the process to have dedicated anti-traffic staff in Afghanistan operation who will support the GPC taskforce. Expected start date is June/2022 Action points:

  • Partners need to register their projects in GSM by 31/May/2022.

  • PC to finalize the first draft of its strategy by June/2022. The committee to be formed to draft the strategy. Partners interested to be part of the committee are advised contact the Cluster coordinator

  • Future PC meetings will be on third Wednesday of each month. ICCT to be informed on this schedule. The meeting to be hybrid (physical and online)

[See the meeting presentation]