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Afghanistan: Nuristan Floods - Final Report, DREF n° MDRAF009



Description of the disaster

On the late-night of 28 July 2021, massive flash floods, triggered by heavy rain, occurred in Mirdesh village in Kamdesh district in Nuristan province – eastern part of Afghanistan. Afghan Red Crescent Society (ARCS) conducted damage and needs assessment in Kamdesh district – a remote area that was then not under government control. Based on updated figures tabulated by 1 August 2021, in addition to the loss of more than 260 lives, nearly 30 business premises, 3 mosques, and 7 bridges were destroyed, as well as water and electricity infrastructure and over 360 hectares of agricultural land and 3,200 fruit trees. Search efforts for the missing recovered bodies as far away as Naray, Asmar, and Sarkano districts in the Kunar River.

In August, the change of leadership in Afghanistan led foreign governments and organizations to impose a cessation of bank services and foreign aid, severely hindering essential services, and humanitarian aid, and worsening the economic outlook of the country. These impacted the planning and implementation of ARCS activities for this DREF floods response. As much of the operation was planned based on cash assistance, the distribution modality had to be changed to in-kind, procuring separately the food and non-food items, including hygiene kits.

However, ARCS remains a trusted humanitarian partner in Afghanistan and is able to access all territories of the country. The floods risks of Nuristan remain. Recently, flash flood warnings for Nuristan were also issued by the Civil Aviation Authority Meteorological Department. Coupled with the remoteness of the villages and devastation from the flash floods of 28 July 2021, the targeted areas in this DREF operation continue to require immediate humanitarian assistance for disaster relief and early recovery.