Based on data extracted from ReportHub, the number of people reached with different services was increased from 2.6M in September 2024 to 5.8M in October 2024. In October, a total of 220 projects were active, 20 of which catered to COVID-19 response. The FSA Cluster reported the highest number of people reached with different services (3.0M). The Health Cluster has the most active projects (74), and reported the highest number of locations/sites where different Health activities have been conducted (8,974). while, the Agriculture Based Livelihood Support is reported to be addressed by FSA Cluster partners with 61 services/activities mostly to the Multiple shocks (IPC phase 4) affected population (983K).
This dashboard provides a snapshot of 5W data in Afghanistan as reported to ReportHub by implementing partners during the period. By analyzing and visualizing information related to projects, activities (including COVID-19-related activities), and services to beneficiaries, the dashboard aims to assist humanitarian actors in Afghanistan by helping them to identify patterns, trends, and gaps in their responses. This information can be used by partners to inform their decisions related to either re-aligning, re-programing, or planning their projects and activities