2. Context
On 13-15 Dec 2020 NSAG-TB had a few strong attacks on ANSF outposts in Estaming Area of Imam Sahib District, as a result the Estiming area has fall down to the Taliban hand as well as at the same time ANSF had air strikes on the mentioned area as well. And this is the cause to most of the residence population of the mentioned area has forced to fled from their origin places to Imam Sahib District’s secure places.
The total number of 192 households was visited and 63 HHs were identified as potential eligible to receive humanitarian assistance and it is worth to be mentioned all families of the caseload had assessed through HEAT tools. Following data analysis, all the selected IDP families are in very bad condition and dire need for: FIs, NFIs, Winterization assistances and WASH assistances.
The following humanitarian’s agencies committed to provide:
- DACAAR will provide WASH assistances to all 63 IDP families.
- WFP will provide NFIs assistance to all 63 IDP families.