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Afghanistan - Kabul District of Kabul: Conflict Affected IDPs Assessment by DACAAR - 3 Jan 2021


2. Context

An OCT (IDP Screening Committee) meeting was called by OCHA and DoRR in Kabul DoRR office on (08-Dec-20) to discuss about the newly arrived IDPs families from different insecure provinces of Afghanistan to Kabul province. During the meeting DoRR informed the meeting members that they have received petitions of 1,190 households who claim to be displaced from different provinces due to conflicts and insecurity issues, the meeting members reviewed the petitions and interviewed some representatives of the reportedly IDPs families who had submitted collective petitions. After screening the lists, 106 HHs were rejected on the that day who were fake or had come from secure areas and it was decided on the OCT day that 10% of the families of collectives petitions will be assessed and if eligible families were found the whole list will be assessed. The screening committee totally referred 1,084 HHs to joint teams for assessment.

Joint assessment teams of DACAAR, DRC, WSTA, IOM, SCI & WFP-IP carried out joint assessment of all those 1,084 HHs and finally found 37 HHs eligible for humanitarian assistance who had been displaced within the last three months from insure provinces due to ongoing conflicts between the AOGs and ANSFs and the rest of the families were rejected by joint teams because they did not meet the ERM selection criteria for different reasons.
During WASH re-assessment, DACAAR has divided 1 large household whose individuals were more than 10 persons in to 2 families for proper coverage of their WASH needs, so for DACAAR's WASH response total number of families in this caseload is 38 families or (37HHs).