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Afghanistan: ICCT Spring Prioritisation - August 2022 (Issued 29 August 2022)


The Inter-Sector Winter Prioritisation for 2022 represents an analysis by the Inter-Cluster Coordination Team (ICCT) that identifies locations where seasonal risks during the October to December period (early onset winter season) and underserved locations intersect, therefore indicating where the most acute multi-sectoral vulnerabilities lie.

The 2022 Inter-Sector Winter Prioritisation follows suit from the 2022 ICCT Spring and Summer prioritization exercises with the aim to provide real-time information to sequence limited resources to prioritised areas where sector-specific needs are the highest and multi-sector needs are overlapping, during the onset of winter in 2022.

The Prioritisation was based on a collective analysis of a seasonal scenarios and assumed risks, an analysis of each cluster’s priorities at the district level (details are available in the next sections of this document), and a realistic assessment of where capacity can be availed. A multi-sector vulnerability approach was applied considering areas where – temperature falls and snow cover persists (relying on analysis from the past 10 years); winter season risks are high; sector-specific vulnerabilities are acute; and people are underserved.

Cluster-specific prioritisations highlight where the sector-specific needs are concentrated, whereas the inter-sector prioritisation highlights areas where needs are most overlapping and multi-sector activities can have the maximum impact. The inter-sector prioritisation outlines 122 top priority, 247 medium priority and 32 low priority districts.

Unlike past seasonal prioritisation exercises, the 2022 Winter Prioritisation is a costed prioritisation. All activities included consider winter-specific and winter season focused assistance. With a strict lens applied to the costing, the immediate funding gaps highlighted reflect planned response in each clusters’ top priority districts. All activities and costing in the 2022 Winter Prioritisation are a subset of the 2022 Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP). The ICCT will undertake another prioritisation for Q1 2023 – the second half of winter – towards the end of 2022, which will be a subset of the 2023 HRP.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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