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Afghanistan: ICCT Pipeline Tracking Report (Sep - Nov 2021) As of 30 August 2021



This snapshot shows the projected status of key humanitarian supply pipelines at the national and regional levels for relief items that are regularly stockpiled in Afghanistan or that are essential for emergency response between September and November. The list does not include all humanitarian relief items. The needs reflect approved activities outlined in the 2021 HRP. The full implications of the recent conflict and political transitions on the country’s basic services and financial systems will take time to manifest, but initial indications already reveal a severe deterioration of the humanitarian crisis.

Key Messages

Between September and November, critical Food, Health, Nutrition, Protection, Education and WASH supplies are at risk of pipeline breaks due to funding shortfalls as well as import and transport delays. Pre-positioning of supplies in high priority locations will be critical over the coming three months. With average procurement and transport lead times taking an average of three months, up-front funding is crucial to support early procurement and delivery of core supplies. This will mitigate against border delays and movement disruptions and allow for pre-positioning of relief items in key locations with high concentration of need and ensure rapid delivery.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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