Response Snapshot: Hygiene promoƟon session covering AWD, GBV and PSEA in Kafger village of Khanaqa district of Jawzjan Province. Donor/implementor: AHF/OAWCK
Key updates:
The WASH Cluster launched the CCPM 2024 survey this month, inviting partner inputs to prepare for the report and improve coordination efforts. Capacity-building activities continued with WASH technical trainings conducted in Bamyan and Daikundi, engaging 17 and 23 participants, respectively, including five women. Advocacy efforts involved six meetings with the MRRD and other technical line departments at both national and regional levels. These discussions addressed challenges related to MoUs and technical issues, while regular monthly meetings at the national and regional provided platforms to enhance WASH service delivery. During this period, WASH partners reached 213,710 beneficiaries with safe water access, 34,180 with sanitation facilities, and 413,673 with hygiene promotion messages, demonstrating significant progress in addressing critical WASH needs across all regions.