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Afghanistan Humanitarian Response: WASH Cluster Quarterly Dashboard - Overall Cluster Figures, Achievements and Funding (January - June 2023)


While about 6.2M people received at least one WASH service, only 3.1M people were reached with a comprehensive package, considered as direct reach that includes 51% for water supply, 40% for sanitation and 8% for WASH Supplies. The overall 6.2M people were reached indirectly through hygiene promotion sessions, distribution of soap and water treatment products and WASH in institutions. Emergency response priorities to the drought and the AWD outbreak continues across the regions. Constraints include female staff restriction from working in the humanitarian sector and MoU delays.

Advocacy notes and engagement with MRRD was initiated in January and efforts continue to negotiate for exemptions of WASH services from the ban on female workers. While the most affected services include needs assessments, supplies distribution, post distribution monitoring and hygiene promotion, ongoing monitoring of the ban on female humanitarian workers shows verbal localized authorization and solutions, allowing some partners to provide much needed WASH services and access to beneficiaries.

Consultation and engagement with SAG and prioritized analysis, the WASH cluster HRP was revised to 9.4M people and $323.1 million for 2023 and published in June 2023.

Working with Health cluster, SAG members and working groups, the WASH cluster AWD preparedness and response plan was developed in January through March 2023. Partner wide sharing for input and utilization. A roll out plan was developed at national and regional levels and training is ongoing for WASH practitioners. WASH partners continue to liaise with the Health Cluster at the district, provincial, regional, and national levels to monitor AWD trends, that influence activities to prevent further transmission and control AWD/Cholera outbreaks. Eight (8) Regional cluster coordination taskforce have been activated in coordination/chair with Health cluster.

A spring prioritization document was developed by the WASH cluster indicating $117 million and for critical/targeted services in 18 priority provinces while the training of cluster partners on Emergency Preparedness and Response was conducted in 7 regions across the country. 7 key regional storage hubs remain in place and supported by 3 cluster core pipeline partners-DACAAR, IOM and UNICEF to allow prepositioning of critical supplies across the 31 provinces.

Around 30 WASH Cluster partners have been reporting regularly since the start of the year, out of over 45 registered and active partners. This can be attributed to partial/suspension of activities due to the ban, MoU challenges or a significant lack of funding that has affected cluster partners.

The cluster recruited and trained 8 dedicated persons to lead the sub national coordination to improve capacity to analyses, predict, prioritize and engagement of partners at regional levels.