Incidents Update:
During the reporting period no new natural disasterincidents were reported, below are the updates of assessments and response.
Central Region:
- Parwan Province: On the 27th of February, as per report by Parwan ANDMA, heavy snowfall affected around 135 families in seven districts (Chaharikar, Sia Gird, Salang, Jabal Siraj, Sayed Khel, Shinwari, Surkhi Parsa). On the 3 rd of March, the assessment team comprised of IOM, ANDMA, CARE, AREA/WFP, RRD, DoAIL, district government representatives initiated an assessment which continued till the 5 th of March. The team identified 140 families in need of immediate assistance, six deaths and nine injuries were also confirmed during the assessment. The main needs of the affected families were winter warm clothing, emergency shelter, and food items. IOM provided winter warm clothing and blankets to all 95 families on 12 March, CARE provided 13 tents and WFP committed to provide food items to 140 families.