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Afghanistan: Humanitarian Assistance Programme (HAP) Weekly Summary Report 31 January – 6 February 2013


Reporting Period: 31 January – 6 February 2013

Submission Date: 6 February 2013

Incidents Update: During the reporting period 23 natural disaster incidents occurred.

West Region:

Herat Province: On the 2 nd of February 2013, heavy rains causing flash floods affected a number of families in Jad-e-Ansary of Herat City. The joint assessment conducted by IOM, IRC and ANDMA representatives on the 3 rd of February identified 55 families severely affected by the disaster. All the families moved to live with host families in the same area as their houses were seriously damaged and 14 houses completely destroyed. All the household items of the destroyed houses were lost in the incident. The identified needs were winter clothing, hygiene kits, and food items. Consequently, the day following the assessment IOM provided the families with 55 Winter and Blanket modules, ANDMA provided food items, and IRC covered their hygiene needs.