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Afghanistan: Humanitarian Assistance Programme (HAP) Weekly Summary Report From 27 June 2013 to 3 July 2013


Incidents Update:

During the reporting period no natural disaster incidents were reported.

Central Region:

Logar Province (Update): Following flooding occurred in Mohammad Agha district on 17 June, 21 assessed families received assistance from IRC in form of emergency shelter and latrines, while WFP provided 4 months food ration to 107 families that includes 86 flood affected families of Khoshi district.

Southeast Region:   

Paktia Province (Update): The flooding in Ali Khail (Jaji), Mirzaka, Laja Ahmad Khail, Chamkanai, Pathan and Gardiz districts, affecting 373 families, has mainly caused damages to agricultural land and crops. The PDMC meeting held on 23 June assigned assessment teams (IOM, ANDMA, DoAIL, ARCS and PIN) to verify the needs of the families in the flooded districts. The teams started the assessments on 24 June. The results of the assessment in Pathan Jaji districts are to be received on 3 July and further discussed in a PDMC meeting. No major destruction to the houses was reported. However, a few jeribs of agricultural land have been moderately affected. In addition, a school under construction was also moderately damaged in Jaji Ahmad Khail district