Incidents Update: During the reporting period two new natural disaster incidents were reported.
West Region
Herat Province: As per the information obtained from ANDMA, 33 families were displaced due to drought from Jawand district, Badghis province to Injil district, Herat province, on 19 November 2013. A joint assessment was conducted by NRC, IRC, IOM, WFP and ANDMA the same day. The findings of the assessment indicated that the families were living in an open space without access to the basic services. The families were mainly in need of NFIs, food items and emergency shelter. ANDMA assisted the families with NFIs and emergency shelter kits, while WFP provided three months food ration.
In a separate incident, a caseload of drought displaced families was reported by ANDMA on 19 November 2013. 23 families were displaced from Ghor province to Injil district, Herat province, on 11 October 2013. IOM, ANDMA, UNHCR, WFP, IRFC and DoRR conducted a joint assessment on 24 November 2013. The displaced families were in need of NFI, emergency shelter and food. ANDMA assisted the families with NFIs and emergency shelter kits, while WFP covered their food needs with the provision of 3 month food ration.