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Afghanistan: Humanitarian Assistance Programme (HAP) Weekly Summary Report 11 April 2013 - 17 April 2013


Incidents Update:
During the reporting period 12 natural disaster incidents were reported.

North Region:

Balkh Province: PIN (People In Need, an ERM partner) reported that three villages, namely Dehak, Zari and Mirzaye villages of Kishindy district were affected by flash flood on 12 April. The PIN field staff visited the area and found that 1 MHP (micro hydro power) system and 30 jeribs of agricultural land that could be cleaned were damaged in Dehak. However, the local communities have already started its repair. In Charkhab village, the basements of few shops have been flooded but no significant damages have been noted. In Mirzai village, one house occupied by three families has been destroyed. The affected families are currently living in tents. Two other houses have also been slightly damaged, causing one household to live with a host family. Further, 18 km of road between Zare and Tunj area have been damaged. The PIN reported that there was no need to provide NFIs, food or other emergency assistance to the affected families. According to ERM an intervention in terms of assistance to the families living in tents would disrupt the local resilience mechanism, therefore does not recommend conducting an assessment or providing humanitarian assistance.