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Afghanistan: Humanitarian Assistance Programme (HAP) Weekly Summary Report From 1 to 7 August 2013


Incidents Update:

During the reporting period four new natural disaster incidents were reported.

Central Region:

Kabul Province: As per the preliminary information received from ANDMA and CDCs on 3 August in Surobi district, dozens of individuals, mainly women and children lost their lives, and hundreds of houses were destroyed as a result of flash floods. Considering the intensity of the disaster, IOM and ANDMA immediately mobilized their field staff for assessments that continued until 5 August. CARE International, WFP, DRRD, DoAIL, district government, CDCs, and village elders joined the assessment team the following day. Below are the findings of the assessment; 17 villages were affected and main emergency needs of the families were NFIs, emergency shelter, food items, drinking water, and hygiene kits. On 7 August, IOM distributed family revitalization and emergency shelter kits to 502 families whose houses were severely damaged or completely destroyed, while WFP provided two months food ration to all families. As most of the wells in the villages were contaminated, MRRD initiated water trucking on 7 August. Ministry of Commerce and Trade, Ministry of Defence, ARCS, Bayat Foundation, and ANDMA also provided food and other relief items to the affected families. Large areas of agricultural land and crops were also affected.