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Afghanistan: Humanitarian Assistance Programme (HAP) Weekly Summary Report 06 June 2013 to 12 June 2013


Incidents Update:

During the reporting period three natural disaster incidents were reported.

Central Region:

Panjsher Province:

As per the initial information from Panjsher ANDMA and DoRR on the 10th of June, the flooding in Unaba district (Ghalbak Bala village) has resulted in damages to agricultural land, canals and culverts. Damages to houses are not reported yet. IOM has been following the incident with ANDMA and will coordinate joint assessment if evident.

Kapisa Province:

As per the initial information from Kapisa ANDMA, due to River Bank Erosion in Kapisa River on the 11th of June, approx. 19 houses were severely damaged and 82 Jeribs of agricultural land were affected in Aroke and Sayad Villages of Mahmud Raqi district. IOM, ANDMA, WFP AREA and CARE International will conduct joint assessment on the 13th of June to identify the needs of the affected families.