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Afghanistan - Hirat: Conflict Affected IDPs Assessment in Hirat, Injil, and Guzara Districts - 24 Feb 21


2. Context

Related to ongoing clashes between Taliban fighters and government forces in Helmand, Ghor and Herat provinces causes displacement to Herat City and brings a bad impact on both the affected people and Herat city residents.

The joint assessments for conflict IDPs were conducted from 15-22 Feb 2021 involving DACAAR, DRC, NCRO, DORR and ARAA which found 56 conflict IDPs as eligible beneficiaries out of 186 conflicts reported IDPs and recommended them for humanitarian assistance, the WASH re assessment completed on 24 Feb 2021, According to HEAT Database, the average family size of 56 families is 6.09 persons per family.

Currently, they are living in secure place and no threat exists against them. Fortunately, they have access to existed justice agencies which are active in Herat (Human Right Commission, General attorney and Police stations). They have access to the public clinics but due to poverty they are not able to afford medication cost in case of any sickness.

Lack of job opportunity and livelihood are the main protection concern against IDPs in the displacement location, during the assessment no proper household items were seen around them thus, they are suffering due to lack of Food, NFIs and other supplementary items.