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Afghanistan: HAP FLASH Situation Report, 25 April 2013



Earthquake 2013-04-24 13:55:30 UTC, Magnitude = 5.7 has shocked eastern region of the country 24- Apr-13 which caused damages to houses, deaths, injuries, total 676 houses damaged, 18 died, 141 injuries and as well as unknown number of livestock killed due to the incident.

Nangarhar: Reports from different organization indicates 300 houses damaged, 16 deaths, 126 injured and 26 livestock killed.


• Total affected families in Khas Kunar = 200 families, 2 individuals died, 11 injured.

• Total affected families in Nurgal = 110 families, 4 individuals injured.

• Total affected families in Chawki = 40 families.

• Total affected families in Sarkano district = 16 families

• Total affected families in Wata Por district = 10 families

IOM Response:

IOM already shared incident information with all cluster partners and meanwhile developed fallow up table to collect updated assessment outcome from established or assigned group from the field. IOM has already started assessment of the affected areas and will provide response based on assessments outcome.