Ref: OCHA/GVA - 2005/0090
OCHA Situation Report No. 1
Afghanistan - Floods
This report is based on information provided by the Office of the UN Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary General/Resident/Humanitarian Coordinator in Kabul, Afghanistan.
1. Severe storms, including hailstorms, commencing on 16 June have led to heavy flooding in parts of northeastern and eastern Afghanistan. The Government has claimed 48 deaths, however, the UN has thus far confirmed 29 persons killed and 40 injured. The affected provinces include, Badakhshan, Kapisa, Kunar and Nangarhar.
2. According to the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA), Badakhshan province, one of the worst-affected, reports that 658 hectares of agricultural land has been damaged, 3,731 livestock killed and over 1,000 residential dwellings destroyed, while 65 villages confirm flood damage, with three districts severely-affected: Darayem, Teshkan and Faizabad.
3. UN and Government assessments have confirmed extensive flooding in Kapisa, north of Kabul, due to the raised level of the Panjshir River. The road from Kapisa center is currently flooded and there is risk that Tagab, Najirab and Alesea districts may be cut off. In Sayyed village, Orki Olya district, some 11 families need to be evacuated to safer grounds - the Government is following up on this requirement.
4. According to the Governor of Kunar province, floods have affected several districts along the Kunar River, while 30 houses in Narang district have been damaged. The Governor has forwarded a request for tents, food and blankets to support displaced families. A UN assessment mission has been dispatched to Kunar today.
5. In eastern Nangarhar, flooding has been reported in Payenda Khil village of Behsud district. A Government led survey identified 10 families in need of assistance.
6. A Joint Operations Centre (JOC) was established in early 2005, comprising both UN and Government representatives to monitor the flood situation in the country. Coordination mechanisms in the country are reported to be functioning well as all information pertaining to the floods is being channeled through the JOC.
7. The Government of Afghanistan has requested assistance through the Office of the DSRSG/RC/HC in order to meet the immediate needs of the affected population. The Government urgently requests 10,000 blankets and 100 tents in response to the emergency situation.
8. Joint assessments, led by the Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development (MRRD) are ongoing in most affected provinces. Government military assets, i.e. helicopters, are being used to evacuate villagers from risk areas. MRRD has dispatched two helicopters to Badakhshan to assist with assessments and an aircraft loaded with nonfood items. USAID contributed $25,000 to purchase the fuel for the aircraft.
9. MRRD has established an emergency response team at the provincial level in Kapisa, which is currently leading a needs assessment.
10. An allocation of USD 30,000 from the Government of the Norway Emergency Grant and USD 20,000 from the OCHA Emergency Reserve Fund were approved on 20 June in order to procure 1,000 tents for displaced persons in Badakhshan province. UNICEF and UNHCR are providing tents, plastics sheeting, family kits and NFIs, while WFP will distribute some 88 MT of food to 9000 persons. WFP is also working to clear and rebuild roads washed away by heavy mud in Faizabad district. Due to the closure of the main road in remote Darwaz (Badakhshan), WFP, in collaboration with the NGO FOCUS, will transport food aid through Iskashem in Tajikistan as roads are blocked on the Afghan side of the border by prolonged snow.
11. The International military forces in Afghanistan, ISAF and Coalition Forces have agreed to consider requests for air transport or delivery assistance.
12. OCHA is in close contact with the DSRSG/RC/HC in Kabul, and will revert with further information when available.
13. This situation report, together with
further information on other ongoing emergencies is also available on the
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