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Afghanistan Flooding Situation Report No. 3 (14 May 2024)



  • On May 14, 2024, WHO provided an additional 2 cholera kits, each sufficient to treat an average of 100 cases, and 2 emergency kits, each sufficient for over 50 cases, as part of its ongoing support efforts.

  • WHO assisted local health authorities in floods affected areas by providing a new batch of health information, education, and communication (IEC) materials, as well as personal protective equipment (PPEs), to raise awareness about water and vector-borne diseases in affected areas.

  • WHO’s emergency response teams, deployed to flood-affected regions, continued their assessment visits to health facilities to evaluate their current capacity for trauma and hospital care.

  • Four additional assessment teams, consisting of Health Cluster partners, have been deployed to Burka, Baghlan Jadid, Pul-e-Khomri, and Guzargai Noor districts of Baghlan province to identify the urgent needs and challenges faced by the affected communities.

  • The Health Cluster partners have augmented their response by deploying 2 additional Mobile Health and Nutrition Teams (MHNTs) to the flood-affected areas of Baghlan province.
    This brings the total number of teams to 32, dedicated to supporting essential healthcare services. Partners include JACK, ORCD, MMRCA, AKHS, AKF, provincial public health directorates, and the private sector are among the partners involved in this deployment effort.