Over the past few days, heavy rains and flash flooding have been reported in several provinces across the eastern, southern, south-eastern and central regions.
Between 11 and 15 August, flash floods reportedly killed 41 people in Kapisa (1), Khost (3), Logar (9), Nangarhar (11), Paktya (7) and Parwan (11) provinces, and injured a further 17 in Kapisa (3), Logar (2), and Parwan (12).
Almost 790 homes are estimated to have been damaged or destroyed in Kunar (57), Laghman (42), Nangarhar (434) and Parwan (256) provinces, affecting more than 3,720 families in total. Nangarhar is the most affected province accounting for almost two-thirds (2,400) of all families impacted, followed by Paktya (450), Logar (250), Maidan Wardak (190), Khost (150), Laghman (128) and Paktika (100) provinces. Kunar and Kapisa provinces have experienced less extensive damage, with 50 and 10 families respectively reportedly affected.
The floods have destroyed crops, agricultural land and local infrastructure, with floods reportedly cutting off access along several roads, including the Charikar – Bamyan and Terapass – Gardez highways in the central region.
Families assessed to date report needing emergency shelter, non-food items, food and water, sanitation, health and hygiene support as an immediate priority.
Humanitarian Needs and Response
Central and south-Eastern Region: following heavy rains on 11 August, Logar, Kapisa, Parwan and Maidan Wardan provinces in the central region and Khost, Paktika and Paktya provinces in the south-east were affected by flash floods. According to initial reports, 11 people were killed and 12 were injured in Parwan province; nine people were killed and two were injured in Logar province; and one person was killed and three people were injured in Kapisa province.
In the central region, 450 families (3,150 people) were affected by this latest round of heavy rains, including 250 families in Logar province, 190 in Maidan Wardak and 10 in Kapisa. The most affected areas are Nijrab district in Kapisa province, Charkh district in Logar province, and Jarez, Chak and Sayeedabad districts in Maidan Wardak province. Preliminary information indicates that an unconfirmed number of people were also impacted in Ghorband (Sia Gird) district in Parwan province.
In Parwan, on 14 August, 11 people were reportedly killed and 12 injured following flash floods in Sia Gird and Shinwari districts. Hundreds of acres of agricultural land and water canals, roads, and homes (136) were reported as either completely or partially destroyed in Yakhdara, Tekhan, Sara-e-Fandaqistan, and Fargar villages of Sia Gird district; also, more than 120 houses, over 300 acres of agricultural land, several water canals, and around 20km road were damaged or destroyed in Tekmar, Shiwa, Sardara-e-Shtor Shahr, Namak Ab, and Astama villages of Shinwari district.
In the south-eastern region, around 700 families, equivalent to 4,900 people, were reportedly affected by floods in Paktya (450), Khost (150) and Paktika (100) provinces with seven people killed in Paktya and three in Khost. The most affected areas are Mandozai, Nadir Shah Khot districts and Khost city in Khost province, Gardez centre, Itifaq Mina, Askari families, and Pir Bagh area in Paktya province, and Sharana center in Paktika province. Some of these areas were already affected by the flash floods which occurred at the end of July. Flash floods temporarily cut off access along the Charikar-Bamyan Highway in both directions and the main road between Terapass and Gardez was also blocked for several hours.
Communities affected need emergency shelter, NFIs, food, and hygiene kits. In each province, partners participating in assessments are also mobilizing response supplies. Any gaps will be confirmed once assessments are completed.
Eastern Region: on 15 August, flash floods were reported in Nangarhar, Kunar and Laghman provinces affecting 2,600 families. The vast majority of those affected are in Jalalabad city, in Nangarhar province (2,400 families): 120 families are affected in several districts of Laghman and 50 families in Kunar provinces. In Nangarhar, the de-facto security forces conducted rescue operations in Baz-e-Ikmalati area in zone 4 of Jalalabad city, Nangarhar province, temporarily evacuating approximately 200 people, including children and women, before water levels and families were allowed to return home. Since 15 August, one Mobile Health Team has been deployed to the affected area to support the injured and other women and children suffering from seasonal diseases.
The main canal irrigating thousands of hectares of agricultural land and thousands of jeribs of government and private farms across Surkhrod, Behsud, Rodat, Batikot, Shinwar and Momand Dara districts and Jalalabad city was also destroyed, causing flooding in the Baz-e-Ikmalati and Muqam Khan areas. Flood water subsequently entered houses, markets, schools and mosques. The two canals being used as the main sewerage system for Baz-e-Ikmalati and Muqam Khan were also damaged, and are now filled with mud and garbage with contaminated water reportedly spilling over into the main road, ditches and houses. Most of the water points have also been destroyed, along with around 1km of road (connecting Jalalabad city with Chaphar and Pachirwagam districts) at different segments.
In total, 20 inter-agency assessment teams including IOM, WFP, UNHCR/WAW, DACAAR, SCI, NRC, DRC have been mobilized across different parts of Jalalabad city (Baz-e-Ikmalati, Muqam Khan, Khalis Family, Tagab and Kabul camps). So far, 1,851 families have been assessed with 62 per cent (1,151 families / 8,057 people) identified in need of immediate humanitarian assistance. Further, 301 houses have been identified as fully destroyed and 132 partially damaged in Baz-eIkmalati area of zone 4, Jalalabad city in Nangarhar province.
In Kunar, 156 houses have reportedly been damaged in Sarkani, Watapur, Nurgal, Shigal, Marwara, Barkunar and Shultan district in addition to agricultural land and water resources. Three inter-agency assessment teams started needs assessments on 16 August.
In Laghman province, flash floods have affected houses and agricultural land in Mehtarlam, Alishang, Alingar, Dawlat Shah and Qarghayi districts. There are reports of 128 houses damaged along with agricultural land. Two inter-agency assessment teams started needs assessment on 16 August.
In total, 25 inter-agency assessment teams consisting of IOM, WFP, UNHCR, (20 in Nangarhar, 3 in Kunar and 2 in Laghman) are continuing needs assessments in the aforementioned areas.
- UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
- To learn more about OCHA's activities, please visit https://www.unocha.org/.