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Afghanistan: Flash Floods Update No. 4 (as of 05 March 2019)


Highlights/key priorities

  • Nine provinces have been affected by heavy rains and flooding.

  • More than 40 people have reportedly been killed as a result of flooding, many others have been injured or are still missing.

  • 3,800 houses have been damaged or destroyed along with schools, mosques, agricultural land and infrastructure.

Situation Overview

As of 5 March, nine provinces have been affected by heavy rains and flooding, according Government reports. More than 40 people are known to have died, and hundreds of others have been injured or are missing. According to the Government, more than 2,500 houses have been damaged and over 1,300 destroyed. Flood affected people are in need of emergency shelter, warm clothing, food and hygiene kits.

In Kandahar province, 25 people are known to have died as a result of the floods. According to ANDMA, almost 5,000 people have been displaced and 1,200 houses have been damaged or destroyed. In addition, 32 mosques, 11 schools as well as shops and water supply systems are damaged.

On 4 March, eight joint teams (including IOM, UNHCR, WFP, UNICEF, HAPA, SCI, NRC, DRC, DACAAR, APA, HRDA, COAR, ARCS and line departments) continued assessments in Kandahar city, Daman, Zherhi, Panjwai and Spin Boldak. A further 736 flood-affected households were verified, including 302 households who require emergency shelter. In total, 15,288 people in the province have been assessed as being flood-affected. Assessments still need to be conducted in Dand, Maywand, Arghandab and Takhtapul districts. It is expected that the number of flood-affected people will rise once all assessments have been conducted.

Families rescued from Maywand, Daman and Zheri districts remain in schools, clinics and Haji camp buildings awaiting humanitarian assistance.

In Helmand province, as of 5 March, 2,859 people have been assessed as in need of humanitarian assistance due to the floods.

On 4 March, the Operational Coordination Team deployed four joint teams (IOM, AAH, IRC, DACAAR, UNICEF, HAPA, APA, UNHCR, WFP and government departments) to conduct assessments in Nawa-eBarakzaiy, Lashkargah and Nad-e-Ali districts. They verified 216 flood-affected households. Immediate needs for food, NFIs, multipurpose cash, tents, emergency latrines, water and shelter kits for those people whose homes have been moderately damaged. There has been no reported damage to schools or health facilities, and those assessed stated they were able to access clean water and healthcare.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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