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Afghanistan - Flash floods (Floodlist, Xinhua, AMA, Afghan Ministry of State and Natural Disaster Management) (ECHO Daily Flash of 20 July 2023)

  • Heavy rainfall has been affecting central and eastern Afghanistan, in particular the Maidan Wardak Province, the Khost Province and the Kabul area, since 22 July, causing flash floods that have resulted in casualties and damage.

  • As of 24 July, 31 fatalities, 41 persons still missing and 74 injured people are reported across Jalrez, Saydabad, Chaki Wardak and Maidan Shahr Districts, Maidan Wardak Province. Around 600 houses were reported damaged or destroyed across the same Province. In addition, media also reports four fatalities in the Kabul Capital City area and one more in the Khost Province, also in these cases due to flash floods.

  • Over the next 24 hours, more rainfall is forecast over eastern Afghanistan.