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Afghanistan Flash Flood Situation Report 4, 15 May 2014 (covering 24 April - 15 May)


Situation Overview: Heavy rainfall between 24 April and 15 May caused flash floods and landslide in 87 districts of seventeen northern, northeastern, central, central highland and western provinces. The joint assessment reports indicate that 412 people have lost their lives, 14 people were injured and 4 people are still missing mainly in Faryab, Jowzjan, Badghis, Badakhshan Sar-e-Pol, Farah and Baghlan provinces. Of these, 255 deaths are verified so far in Badakhshan. In addition the flooding has negatively impacted around 16,550 families. Of these 3,656 families (25,592 individuals) have been displaced. The flooding also resulted in the destruction of public facilities, roads, and thousands of hectares of agricultural land and gardens. IOM, in close coordination with the Afghan National Disaster Management Authority (ANDMA) and Provincial Disaster Management Committee (PDMC) members, mobilized to the affected areas for rapid joint assessments in order to verify the emergency needs of the flood-hit communities. Based on the findings of these assessments, IOM and partners are carrying out interventions for the affected families.