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Afghanistan: Final evaluation report of DEC funded “Food Security, Livelihoods, and WASH response for vulnerable households in Kabul, Balkh and Bamyan province” Project (December 31st 2023)


The report covers the final evaluation of the Disaster Emergency Committee (DEC)-funded project on 'Food Security, Livelihoods, and WASH response for vulnerable households in Kabul, Balkh, and Bamyan provinces of Afghanistan' , implemented by Islamic Relief Afghanistan (IRAF). The project was implemented in two phases (phase-1 from December 2021 – May 2022; phase-2 from July 2022 – December 2023). The project focused on food security of rights holders and strengthening their health and hygiene through well-planned WASH interventions.

The final project was carried out in 12 districts of Kabul, Balkh, and Bamyan provinces, using the 9 commitments of Core Humanitarian Standards (CHS) for accountability and quality of humanitarian aid as benchmarks. The report presents a brief context analysis of the humanitarian crises in Afghanistan as well as a thorough review of each project component based on the (CHS) commitments. The project evaluation followed a mixed research design that included both quantitative as well as qualitative data. The data was collected using household surveys, key informant interviews, in-depth interviews, focus group discussions, and success stories.

Key findings include insights on the appropriatenes, relevance, effectiveness, timelineness of the project's interventions, strenghtening of local capacities, avoidance of adverse effects, participation, feedback and complaint mechanisms, coordination and complementarity of humanitarian response, learning among humanitarian actors, staff and resource management.

The report includes several project and evaluation documents (project logframe, evaluation matrix and TOR, interview and focus group discussion facilitation guides) as Annexes.