2. Context
At end of January and at beginning of February 2021, the Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) conducted military operations against AOG in different locations of Argo, Yumgan, Shahri buzurg, Yaftal Sufla, Darwaz balla, and Faizabad districts of Badakhshan province. The armed fighting has been ongoing for several days in the aforementioned locations and resulted from the displacement of 59 HHs who fled to the center of Faizabad city. After receiving the notification about the displacement on 02 February 2021, an online OCT meeting was held by UNOCHA on the same day to verify the alert and to form the joint assessment teams for conducting the assessment. The JATs conducted the assessment between 3 February 2021 to 24 February 2021, a total of 170 households were prescreened out of which 59 HHs which identified as potentially eligible and assessed through the HEAT tool. Following data analysis, only 59 families were found eligible to receive humanitarian assistance. Based on field coordination with OCHA, it has been verbally confirmed that WFP will provide food in-kind to all 59 HHs, DACAAR will provide WASH assistance to 59 HHs and UNHCR will provide the NFI items to all 59 HH.