2. Context
This assessment report covers a caseload of conflict affected families from Anardara,Balabuluk,
Pushtrod, JuwinKhak e Safed and Farah (insecure areas) district of Farah province. A heavy armed clash between Taliban fighters and national security forces caused to affect many villages in the above-mentioned districts some of those IDP families whose houses were near to national army bases used as stronghold by Taliban in the conflict areas, told the IDPs to the assessment team tens of animals has been perished, their kitchen instruments burst and lots of houses partially or completely destroyed during these conflicts.
A joint needs assessment was conducted during (25 Jan-06 Feb) 2021 including WASH Re-Assessment, with the involving of DACAAR, ARAA, NPO/RRA, DRC DoRR, The Joint Needs Assessment (JNA) teams found 66 eligible families out of 178 assessed families and recommended them for humanitarian assistance. According to HEAT Database, the average family size of 66 families is slightly above 6 persons per family.
Most of the IDP families live in the rental houses which they are unable to meet their basic needs however, they have access to the existing public clinics and hospitals and during the assessment no proper household items were seen around them thus, they are suffering due to lack of Food, NFIs, WASH and other supplementary items. Therefore, the assessment team recommended them for emergency Humanitarian assistances.
According to the report analysis, food was listed as the first priority, WASHs second priority while NFI third priority and financial status was listed as the fourth priority.