Health Service Delivery (Primary Health Care and Hospitals)
During September, WHO supported 45 Primary Health Care (PHC) centres in eight provinces by four NGO partners. These facilities provided primary healthcare services to the remote and underserved populations including women and children.
Regarding secondary and tertiary health care, WHO supported 15 hospitals in nine provinces through nine NGO partners. The hospitals supported by WHO included seven infectious disease hospitals, two emergency hospitals and six hospitals for MHPSS.
WHO also supported 12 drug addiction treatment centres and two opioid substitution treatment clinics in 12 provinces by six NGOs.
- During September, a total of 124 371 (PHCs: 51 731, Hospitals 72 640) out-patient consultations were conducted in WHO-supported health facilities. In these facilities, 53.2% females and 46.8% males attended the out-patient consultations.
- Almost 68 104 patients received essential medicines for their health-related conditions (PHC: 46 840, Hospitals: 21 264).
- Recorded number of institutional deliveries were 501 in September 2024 (PHCs: 270, Hospitals: 231).
- 3832 pregnant women received antenatal services and 1512 women received postnatal services in WHO-supported facilities.
- In addition, children aged under 5 received malnutrition treatment, and screening in September are: 10 656 (PHCs: 8205, Hospitals: 2451).
- Pregnant and childbearing age women and under 5 children received TT2+, measles, PENTA-3, OPV and DTP vaccination: 32 465 (PHCs: 26 416, Hospitals: 6049).
- Pregnant and lactating women received malnutrition screening and treatment: 669 (PHC: 346, Hospitals: 323) and Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) counselling and treatment services: 5665 (PHCs: 3572, Hospitals: 2093).
- A total of 3989 (PHCs: 3675 Hospitals: 314) individuals were provided with MHPSS consultations and 26 630 (PHCs: 18 265, Hospitals: 8365 received noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) consultations).
- People living in remote and underserved areas received health education and awareness: 55 674 (PHCs: 42 202, Hospitals: 13 472).