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Afghanistan: Emergency Shelter and Non-Food Items (ES/NFI) - June 2022 Earthquake PostDistribution Monitoring (PDM) Assessment (November 2023)



• The surveyed beneficiaries reported higher rates of satisfaction with cash-based NFI (72% very satisfied) compared with multi-purpose cash (22%) which seems to correlate with the extent of improvement in shelter conditions.

• Cash seems to be the preferred modality when markets are functional and there is minimal communal tension. A majority (70%) of surveyed beneficiary households who preferred cash reported favoring AFN compared to USD, which could be due to lack of exchanging capacity especially in rural districts.

• According to the shelter types, 56% of surveyed beneficiary households reported living in transitional shelters as compared with before the earthquake (26%) and 44% reported living in permanent shelters as compared with 73% before the earthquake.

• Nearly all surveyed beneficiary households (94%) did not have questions or complaints about the assistance delivered. However, the small share that reported having complaints and feedback faced difficulties in contacting and receiving feedback from assistance providers.


As a result of the earthquake that struck Paktika, Paktya, and Khost in June 2022, at least 4,500 homes were damaged (fully or partially) and as many as 14% of households (approximately 13,000) had severely damaged or completely destroyed shelters.1 In the same month, national and international NGOs began their emergency responses coordinated with the ES/NFI Cluster. Therefore, in coordination with the ES/NFI Cluster, REACH conducted a PDM assessment of the emergency response to better understand and evaluate the overall beneficiary satisfiction and effectiveness of the various shelter assistance modalities to inform lessons learned and best practices for future emergency responses.