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Afghanistan: Emergency Earthquake Response Plan (July - September 2022): Summary of Emergency Needs, People Reached and Funding Requirements - As of 29 September 2022)


On 22 June, a 5.9 magnitude earthquake struck south-eastern Afghanistan, leading to wide-scale destruction across already vulnerable districts in Paktika, Paktya and Khost provinces. A second 5.1 magnitude earthquake occurred on 18 of July, with an epicenter in Spera district, only 3km from the epicenter of the 22 June earthquake. In addition to loss of life and devastating injury, the earthquake have resulted in the destruction of critical infrastructure -- including homes, health facilities, schools and water networks -- leaving thousands vulnerable to further harm. The multi-sectoral Emergency Earthquake Appeal estimates that approximately 362,000 people live in high intensity impact areas (MMI 5+),1 while needs assessments conducted to date indicate that over 100,000 people have been directly affected. A total of $110.3 million is urgently required to frontload life-saving response activities for an initial period of three months (July-September), with priority given to the most affected districts in the provinces of Paktika and Khost. As of 28 July, approximately $44 million has been pledged for the response. The information presented in the dashboard is based on best available confirmed data and will adjust as further verified assessment and response information is received.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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