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Afghanistan: Countrywide Weekly Market Report: Issue 207: Week 2 - July 2024



The national average prices of all food items continue to fluctuate negligibly during the 2nd week of July 2024. Other than wheat grain, sugar, bread and salt, the prices of all food items increased negligibly compared to the previous week. Whereas compared to the same period last year, the prices of all food items except salt show a significant decrease. However, compared to the prices observed during the pre-Covid period, the prices of food items (excluding wheat grain and wheat flours) are still significantly higher. Similarly, compared to June 2021, before the political changes in the country, the prices of all other food items—except wheat, wheat flours, and cooking oil—remain significantly elevated.

The national average exchange rate between the Afghani (AFN) and the US Dollar (USD) stood at AFN 71.2/USD. After a sharp increase in January 2022 to AFN 104.6/USD, the value of AFN has started to consistently appreciate, showing an 17% appreciation compared to the previous year. Since March 2024, the exchange rate has remained stable, fluctuating within the range of AFN 70 to AFN 72 per USD. This stability has had a corresponding stabilizing effect on market prices for food and non-food items. The prices of non-food commodities also experienced fluctuations compared to the previous week.

The price of DAP and UREA fertilizers increased by a negligible percentage, whereas the price of improved seed and animal feed (concentrate) negligibly decreased by 1.4% and 0.5%, respectively. With a marginal reduction in the global price trend and decreased domestic demand, the price for these commodities show a significant decline compared to last year. However, compared to the month of June 2021 (before the political changes), the prices of fertilizers (DAP and Urea) and diesel remain significantly high.