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Afghanistan: Countrywide Weekly Market Price Bulletin, Issue 117: Covering the Fourth Week of August 2022



  • During the week under review, wheat flour, wheat grain and rice prices decreased slightly compared to last week, while prices remains significantly higher compared to the same time last year and average levels .

  • The price of diesel decreased by four percent However, it remains 99 percent higher compared to the same time last year. Nationally, the average price of diesel stands at 99 AFN/L.

  • Due to stable money supply (USD) by the Central bank, the value of the Afghani (AFN) remained stable against the US Dollar, depreciating only marginally by 0.7 percent. However, severe cash shortages continue to limit economic activity within banks and local markets

  • Pastoralist Terms of Trade (TOT) improved by one percent compared to last week . TOT for both pastoralists and casual laborers remains significantly lower by 26 and 31 percent, respectively, compared to the same time last year .