Executive Summary:
In 2014 the CHF Afghanistan was launched and received a total of USD 37.2 million allowing for the launch of two Standard Allocations and two Reserve Allocations. Standard Allocations focused on the prevention and treatment of acute malnutrition and the provision of emergency trauma care as immediate life-saving actions. Following devastating floods and landslides in Northern Afghanistan mid-2014, and population movements in the South East as a result of military operations in Pakistan, Reserve Allocations were launched to assist vulnerable families with food packages, emergency shelter and NFIs, as well as to support demining activities. Support to humanitarian aviation services enabled access of aid workers to remote areas. Some 1 million people were hereby assisted to date.
• The CHF supported the strategic priorities identified in the 2014 Common Humanitarian Action Plan (CHAP) for Afghanistan, and strengthened the humanitarian architecture, coordination and programme cycle management of the humanitarian response in Afghanistan. The CHF allocated 95 per cent of resources mobilised (USD 35.2M) with funding disbursed in support of 22 NGO projects (USD 11.7M) and 12 UN projects (USD 23.5M).
• As the level of operational, financial and reputational risks are considered to be substantial in Afghanistan, a comprehensive Accountability Framework was developed to ensure a strong process of management and oversight. To meet its accountability commitment towards participation, an eligibility process was launched in order to assess NGOs’ capacity to participate as partners to the CHF.
• Projects have been closely monitored with 25 field site monitoring visits carried out for projects funded under the First Standard Allocation, which started implementation mid-2014. Field monitoring practices have been tested in the course of this first round of monitoring and will be further enhanced in 2015.
• The rolling out of the CHF Grants Management System (GMS) in parallel to the launch of the CHF allowed for an efficient management of the projects funded by the CHF and flow of information between the CHF Secretariat, MPTF, OCHA Head Quarters, UNDP and implementing partners; and will serve as the institutional memory of the Fund.
• Funding under the CHF Afghanistan was complemented by USD 4 million allocated under the Rapid Response Window of the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) in support of the unexpected influx of refugees following military operations in Pakistan. Furthermore, USD 4.7 million were disbursed by the Emergency Response Fund (ERF) to support amongst other priorities the reconstruction of shelters destroyed in devastating floods and landslides; before the official closure of the ERF mid-2014.
• In its first year of operation the CHF Afghanistan was supported by five donor countries. The top three donors to the CHF in 2014 were the United Kingdom, Sweden and the Republic of Korea, with smaller contributions received from Norway and Australia.
• The CHF has developed as one of the main financing tools for humanitarian operations in the country, representing 12.5 per cent of total resources mobilised against the 2014 CHAP requirements. Continued donor support is required in 2015 to build on the successes of the CHF and to meet its target of USD 60 million to be mobilised.
- UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
- To learn more about OCHA's activities, please visit https://www.unocha.org/.