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Afghanistan - Bihsud, Kama, Jalalabad and Surkhrod Districts of Nangarhar: Conflict Affected IDPs Assessment by DACAAR - 28 Feb 2021


2. Context this assessment report covers those IDP families who have been displaced due to military operation, clashes between AOG and ANSF, threats, intimidation and sporadic clashes at Sherzad, Khogiani, Hisarak, districts of Nangarhar provinces, causes of civilian displacement to Behsoud, Jalalabad, Kamah and Sorkhrud districts of Nangrahar province and bring a bad impact on both the affected people and local residents.

A joint needs assessment was conducted from 17-28Feb 2021- involving DACAAR,SCI, WAW, SHPOUL and DoRR the WASH re-assessment was completed on this period The Joint Needs Assessment (JNA) teams found 274 families as eligible beneficiaries and recommended them for humanitarian assistance. According to HEAT Database, the average family size of 274 families is 6.2 persons per family.

Currently they are living in secure areas and no threat exists against them fortunately, they have access to existing social agencies which are active in Nangarhar (Human Right Commission, General attorney and Police stations). They have access to the public hospitals local market but due to poverty, they are not able to afford their daily needs. mostly they are living in rented houses Lack of job opportunity and livelihood are the main protection concern against IDPs in the displacement location, during the assessment no proper household items were seen around them thus, as per HEAT analyses these IDP families are very marginalized and poor people's they are suffering due to lack of Food, NFI, WASH for all families and other supplementary items. Therefore, the assessment team recommended them for emergency humanitarian assistance.

According to the report analysis, Food was listed as the first priority, NFI second priority while WASH was listed as the third priority for all families.